Hooray! It’s Friday! How was your week? I spent mine trying to get back in the habit of exercising daily (so far so good!), trying to write a bunch of blog posts (it’s a struggle!), and beefing up my WordPress skills. Anyway, on to the the links!
This video is a nice introduction to branding and it includes a free workbook:
Are you always searching for your passion in life? Ask this instead.
I know I’m guilty of at least a few of these 53 Freelancing Mistakes. What about YOU?
When I Grow Up Coach shares how she gets 40 hours of work done in 20 hours! (hint: she delegates!)
Four Strategies that Build Lasting Motivation
If you’re having trouble keeping up with this here are 9 Writing Tips for Great Social Media Posts
Here are 66 things you can be grateful for, big and small.
I’m kind of secretly intrigued by feng shui, so I’m definitely going to try to feng shui my desk.
I’m about halfway through Money, A Love Story: Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who wants more wealth. There is a lot of journalling involved, but I love that kind of thing.
I’m thinking about reading Before Happiness by Shawn Achor. I loved The Happiness Advantage (it’s one of my favorite topics!) so it seems like a good one to read next. Have you read either of those? What did you think?
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